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Be careful of the house you build for one day you may have to live in it.  One day in 1986 the phone ranged and a conversation emerged between Minister George Henry Albert Jr. and Elder Egaar Melton.  Elder Egaar Melton began to express his desire to pastor again, but needed a place to start.  “I believed God wants me to pastor again,” Elder Melton said.  Minister George Albert began to become excited and said “You can use my home to have services”.  Minister George Albert made things ready.  The room was arranged.  The people were there, but there was no Elder Egaar Melton.  Minister George Albert called Elder Melton, and said to him, “Where are you?  We are all here waiting on you to come.”  Elder Melton said “I am not coming.”  “Why don't you pastor the church?”  Not wanting to do anything of himself or without seeking the Lord, Minster Albert began to pray.  God told him to do like Philip the evangelist and preach Christ.  God gave him Acts 16:12 and from thence to Philippi the chief city of Macedonia.   Philippi Evangelistic COGIC was formed.  The front part of his house was rearranged into the birth place of this ministry.  It was a store front.  It was located at 1700 Andry Street NOLA 70117.     He started with his wife and eight children.  Their names were Vernette, Valcindranette, George III, Jude, Angel, Nicole, and Georgette.  Ellen Williams became the first member outside of his family.  Armed with the word he preached holiness and represented righteousness in a drug and crime infested lower 9th ward community.  Through constant prayer, fasting, and three day consecrations God began to move, many people were saved, baptized, healed, filled with the Holy Ghost and souls were added to the church.  This Church is led by the Holy Ghost became its motto.   A need arrived to find a larger place conducive for worship.  Land was purchased at 1717 Andry Street.  The devil began to act up, members began to walk away, and Philippi lost the property.  God  opened a door on Lamanche Street, and we shared a church with Ephesians Baptist Church.  One day a hard rain storm came and collapsed the ceiling at the Lamanche Street building.  Having just renovated and adding to the side of his house, Pastor Albert ask his wife if it would be okay to turn that part of the house into the church.  She agreed.  The church was moved backed to 1700 Andry Street.  Pastor Albert's new motto became “We are the heartbeat of God in the community pumping life.” God continued to moved, and need arrived again to find another place to worship due to the growth of membership.  A place was found, but we did not have the money to purchase it.  God anointed First Lady Vernette Albert to work in accord with the vision of God and a fund raising idea sprang forth: World Finest Chocolates.  With it we purchased 63256331 North Claiborne Ave in June of 1996 and 1601 Delery August 1996 for a parking lot.  Money was raised and it seem like we were raising money forever but God used 1st Lady Albert to encouraged us and prophesied we are doing this for the ones who have not gotten here yet. In April 1998 we moved into our current location and God told Supt. Albert we are a healing ministry for hurting people.  Philippi had many hard working people, God used to help the vision come to past. To ensure we do not minimize or overlook the works of anyone who is or was a part of the Philippi family we will not name names.  God who sees in private will reward you openly. God did not stop there.  The late Bishop Joseph Anthony Thompson told us, “He who hunts mice never kill lions.”  We believed him and held that saying close to our hearts although we were small in number God blessed us to be big in stature.    Trusting in God we went lion hunting and as a result 1627 Delery was purchased June 2000 for a Children Ministry, 6318 N Derbigny: November 2000, 1 and 2 Nina April 2001, 1642 Delery: February 2003, 5 Roclay: November 2002, 1529 Delery: November 2003,  a church van and bus was purchased 2004. In August 2005 Hurricane Katrina destroyed our place of worship, children's ministry, church bus, but not the body.  We are the body of Christ.  Thank God we were not destroyed!  Pastor/Supt. Albert elevated to the office of Bishop observed the membership were scattered. God used him to gather the saints from all parts of the United States.  Some came back others were led to pursue other opportunities. 
Determined to continue the work of God in the lower nine ward Bishop Albert came back to the city.  Our local services were held at Holmes memorial COGIC while Philippi building was being rebuilt.   The saints wondered how we were going to get money to rebuild the church.  God pull out of his bag an oldie but goodie World Finest Chocolates.  God works miracles with this stuff.  The money was raised, the building was fixed, and in April 2007 Homecoming was held.  The church was packed.  In June 2007 Philippi went through the worst time it had ever seen.  God called our Founder Bishop George Henry Albert Jr. home unexpectedly to us. The church was greatly discouraged.  Philippi experience Hurricane Katrina, the founding Pastor died, destruction and devastation was all around the community.  What where we going to do?  In August 2007 new leadership was appointed; Elder Willie Lee Thomas III was appointed pastor by Bishop Philip A Brooks, 1st assistant presiding Bishop of the COGIC.  As with any leadership change some left, some stayed, believing that God was not finished with us yet we hung in there, and God revealed he was in the plan.  God spoke to Pastor Thomas and showed him a vision.  The vision was new life.  Hurricane Katina brought a lot of devastation but God would speak life to this valley of dry bones, and would revive the community and bring new life into the neighborhood.  We will address the natural and the spiritual.  Philippi started to march.  Work was done on the inside and outside of the church in 2007, 2008 Church van was paid off, beautification was done to the outside of the church, a sepal was added to the top 2009, purchased a church sign 2010.  God birth community development and annual outreaches. Philippi brought property on 6425 N Claiborne Ave. April 2011 for the purpose of an developmental center, 1609 Delery Street was purchased on Jan 2, 2013, it is a two story building used to house low income families, twenty- four feet was added to 1627 & 29 Delery Street and it was renamed The House of Esther, two three bedroom living quarters used to assist families, and 6415 Nina Street was purchased on Oct 16, 2013 for the purpose of a neighborhood garden. God is still doing a mighty work in this part of the vine yard.  People are still being saved, baptized, healed, filled with the Holy Ghost, and experiencing the power of God.  Philippi, God has done some Great things in our past, but the best is yet to come!  Philippi get ready!  God is just getting warmed up.

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