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Meet Our First Lady

First Lady Valcindranette Thomas is a young woman called into the ministry by God. Lady Thomas is the loving wife of Pastor Willie Lee Thomas III and the mother of six beautiful children whom she loves very much. Lady Val surrendered to Gods choice as a Pastor wife in August 2007. When she accepted the call as the pastor wife. she said to the lord I do not want to do anything to cause your people to stumble. First Lady Val has a genuine heart for ministry. she loves the people of God with all of her heart and has a desire for souls to be saved. Lady Val has a special place in her heart for the children ministry she would say that she is a kind heart. lady Val serves as the President of the Youth Department and secretary of the Trustee board. Most of all First Lady Val is saved and filled with the Holy Ghost with a mind to serve the Lord. in the end, she wants to hear the Lord say well done thou good and faithful, servant.

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