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President of music department,

Sis. Jasmine Thomas



OUGA: Operating Under God’s Anointing
1 John 2:27
King James Bible
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teaches you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is a truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

Brief synopsis: Operating under God’s anointing is allowing the Holy Spirit to abide inside of us. As long as we believers walk according to the inward Spirit, we will know God’s will, and the task he has assigned for us to do.







   I serve as the music department president at Philippi Evangelistic Church Of God in Christ. The objective of the music department is to welcome and usher in the Spirit of God through praise. Vocalist uses the sounds of their voices, musicians illustrate their worship with instruments, Liturgical dancers express their worship with rhythmic movements. The music department not only consists of the praise team, choir, liturgical dance, and musicians but the congregation as a whole. Psalms 100 states “Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Some use their hands to clap or as a wave offering, others stomp their feet and use their voice to shout. There are many different ways to magnify God. My duty is to administrate, manage, and upkeep the music department. Our job is to make sure song selection minister first to ourselves and then the rest do the congregation. The songs that are selected should reach both older saints and the millennials. We want to give God our all. We all play a part in the music ministry. One plants, another water but it is GOD that gives the increase.


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