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Digital Media

Psalms 133:1
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
The purpose of the digital media ministry is to unify the congregation. With the teleprompter in the sanctuary, it allows the members to sing the lyrics of songs together, read the scriptures together, and to all be on one accord. This ministry has increased the participation during praise and worship and also helps to be attentive the word of God is going forth. With this ministry, we are unified as one!

                                           Words From Digital Media President




At Philippi Evangelistic Church of God in Christ, I, Jessica Thomas am the head of the Digital Media department. In this area, I prepare presentations for our teleprompter screens in the sanctuary. Displayed on these screens are the program order for service, the lyrics for praise and worship, and the scriptures for the speaker of the service.
To prepare for the Sunday morning service, we have a ministry committee who submits their theme for the week and program to our pastor. After he approves the outline of the service, the programs are given to me. The theme of the service is given to our praise team president. He then gives me the songs for the service relating to the theme. All of this is completed by Monday night at 8 pm every week.
I enjoy this position because when guest and visitors come, they always look amazed at the work we put into making the service conducive for worship. Having the lyrics on the screens helps the members to be involved during praise and worship. Also, having the scriptures displayed helps when the speaker is up to eliminate distractions the cellphone makes if one was to use their phone as their bible.
I have been in this position for a year and I can say we have more involvement with the teleprompters then without them. I believe God has big plans for us in our ministry as it continues to grow


SIs. Jessica Thomas, Digital Media President

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