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Small Group Bible Study


The House Of Faith

Staying connected to Christ.

 Mission Statement: We are a group of believers being strengthened through the studying of God's word.

Sis. Ariska Everette, Group Leader

The Unifiers

Mission Statement is to prayerfully make preparations to meet life opportunities to bring about a positive change in personal life, as well as the lives of others


Missionary Vernette Albert,

Group Leader

         The Collegiate

Prayer and bible Outreach  

Mission Statement to provide to each college student. we fellowship through bible study, prayer, food, and games. In order that we not only may reach souls for God, but to proclaim that in a dying world, Jesus still reigns


Sis. Distronya Harris, Group Leader

pure Fire

We the ones that endure through the fire which comes out as pure gold, we trust God even when it does not make sense to. We are able to see the promise of God revealed through his word.- P-Pushing myself

U-Up ward through

R-Real life


F-Fighting with everything

I-Inside of me to


E-Evil thoughts and ways




First Val Thomas, Group Leader

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